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Steven Seidman


Over the years, Steven dedicated himself to crafting and perfecting intricate tales that resonate with the child-like wonder within us, aiming to influence and embody the virtues of a true superhero for those in need. This passion led him to establish SOUND COMICS as a platform to champion these stories close to his heart.

In addition to tirelessly bringing his narratives to life, Steven has amassed valuable experience across various fields such as Film, TV, Screenwriting, Narrative Design, and Studio Production. His efforts were driven by the singular goal of laying a solid foundation for exceptional storytelling, ensuring the proper capture of the essence of his intellectual properties.

His vision extends beyond mere storytelling; Steven aspires to create a company that not only delivers compelling narratives but also recaptures the nostalgic joy of yesteryear when comics were enjoyable for everyone, invoking the inner child in each reader. Simultaneously, he seeks to push the boundaries, inviting readers to explore the intriguing realms lying behind closed doors, opening minds to a myriad of possibilities—from the eerie to the wonderfully impossible.

Sean Murphy


Sean's dedication to the worlds of Film and TV spans many years, during which he has immersed himself in various aspects of production and even established his own specialized studio. His hands-on experience reflects his profound commitment to the industry.

Navigating the intricacies of film and television production demands exceptional multitasking skills, financial acumen, and a genuine passion for the craft. Sean's ability to excel in these areas has already proven invaluable, and his contributions are set to further enhance our company's standing, particularly as we delve into intellectual property generation, as we are poised to do with Sound Comics. It is a transition that only seems even more welcoming of his talents as he forges us ahead in our operations.

M. Klass Johnson


As you will come to find with M. R. is that he is a man with many names (and personalities to match) but that is to be expect when you’re blessed (or cursed, depending on who you ask) with a creative mind that never shuts off. His “real” name is Michael Johnson, but he often writes professionally as M. R. Klass, a name he chose to honor his late father-in-law, Golden Era science fiction satirist, William Tenn (aka Philip Klass who also taught creative writing at Penn State for over forty years, hence why Michael chose “M. R.”). Under the direction of the CCO, it was decided to hyphenate his birth last name with his chosen one. And as Mike will tell you, “My name is the biggest one on the header.”

For over thirty years he has been writing professionally in all manners of the industry. Some for fun, some strictly for the paycheck, but then others for the passion for the work which is what brought him to Sound Comics.

Over the years he has optioned multiple feature length screenplays, sold a short that was produced, worked for a Disney property as a “punch-up” writer, edited and reviewed screenplays for Francis Ford Coppola’s “Zoetrope Studios,” wrote scripts for UPN’s Voyager and AMC’s The Walking Dead, published one novel and sold another to the European market, currently writes as feature’s editor for HorrorNews, the second largest horror news website in the world, and, just for fun, likes to build LEGO creations he makes up himself.

Between all of this work he managed, at 42 years old, to not only attend Full Sail University but graduate with his BFA in Creative Writing as Valedictorian where he also earned several other distinguished awards and was able to learn about comic writing under Malibu’s legendary Editor-in-Chief, Roland Mann.

The job as Editor-in-Chief is one he takes with the utmost seriousness (usually) and drives the narrative design of every title to ensure they remain strong and full of character; robust and unyielding.

Graven RavenWolf


As an artist, Graven has been honing his skills for over three decades, having worked to create brand identities with a myriad of companies over that period of time and he continues to do so to this day. He has had the pleasure to work with several comic book companies to help them discover who and what they are and help drive them to that end. He is truly an immensely valuable resource. Over the past three years he has served as Creative Consultant for Sound Comics, contributing to setting the groundwork for the establishment of the company and the development of their flagship titles, all set for an official launch in 2025.

Some of his more notable endeavors include character creation for high profile creative studios, brand identities for several comic book conventions, and most recently being named to the advisory board for the Orlando Science Museum’s Spark STEM Fest, as well as being picked to be the official sponsor and designer for Discovery Channel’s Battle-Bots alum Team Witch Doctor.

As the CCO, Graven’s reach extends to overseeing various aspects of publishing and production, including collaboration with creative teams, managing marketing efforts, and shaping the visual identity of the company, among other duties.

Graven is eager to continue to contribute to the success of Sound Comics, as he has overseen with other comic book companies over the years. He’s excited for the journey that our consumers will get to experience and, while challenges are certainly inevitable, particularly in the realm of Comics & IP Creation, it ultimately comes down to self-belief, embracing possibilities, and intensely diligent efforts to bring them to fruition. And, as Graven will also note, a team you can count on.

He is dedicated to the culture of Sound Comics and our shared vision of what the future of comics can and should be. To that end, his goal will always be to support talented creatives including the writers who inspire, passionate artists, and dedicated individuals choosing to create comics in general and especially here in with Sound!

Talon Trent


Though his name may paint a different picture, in reality, Talon is nothing short of a superhero, especially in his knack for nurturing exceptional customer service and demonstrating unparalleled management skills. With over 12 years of experience in high-ranking business management, particularly in leading teams of customer-facing professionals, he epitomizes excellence in crafting our customer interaction experience.

Talon will be working to effortlessly navigate the ever-evolving creative market landscape, adeptly bridging the gap between new readers and seasoned enthusiasts. At Sounds Comics, we're fortunate to have him spearheading our efforts to extend a genuinely compassionate welcome to both newcomers and longtime fans alike. It all begins with prioritizing the consumer experience while ensuring our stories resonate deeply enough to keep them engaged.

In many ways, Talon embodies the comforting spirit of Mr. Rogers, extending a warm invitation to join him, reassuring you that it's perfectly okay to kindly settle in, pull up a seat with us, and enjoy the journey.